Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Truth of dare?

As I wrote earlier I recently subscribed to a Dutch lifestyle magazine Happinez. I normally don't even bother to take a look at the inevitable ads and just turn the page. In the last issue of last year however my eye was caught by the cover of a book. Just a tiny drawing of a tree, some birds and a banner that said: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. Just above that was written in curvy, elegant characters: 29 Gifts. I glanced over the accompanying text and forgot about it... At least I though I forgot about it, because the title kept popping up in my mind and I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

Being in the hospital I have had plenty of time to worry, get panicked but also to contemplate. For one thing my beading has helped me in the last aspect greatly! And then there it was again: 29 gifts that could change my life. The Dutch translation was just in my reach when I went to buy a paper in the little shop in the lobby. This could not be a coincidence, this was a message so I picked it up and ... had it giftwrapped!

Right now I am intrigued by the story, to its simple message that sounds way to good to be true and yet I makes me feel compelled to give it a try. Then I read Susan's Plays with needles post, saw her beautiful pictures and was sure that there is a message in today. I still will need at least 29 days to decipher it!


  1. I'm going to try to find this book at my library Dees and maybe we could do the challenge together.

    I really do believe that the answers in life are usually right there for our asking and taking. But we are so often too focused on the wrong things to realize it. There is power in the silence...in the meditative reflection...in the going deep within...when you re-open yourself -- all the sudden, things that once before seemed beyond our grasp, are understandable - are placed in perspective.

    I am silly many many days but inside all that craziness is a woman just like you, trying to figure out what this game is all about and what role I am supposed to play in it. That's where faith and courage and trust come in.

    Have faith to believe in your tomorrow. Have the courage to wake up, make yourself smile at everyone you meet, play with your beads...And Trust that tomorrow you will be better having gone through the experience.

    Lots of love and chocolate truffles, Susan

  2. Susan, if only I lived near to you I would take you up on those chocolate truffles! They made me smile today!

  3. If you want, send me your snail mail address -- Aunt Susan has a treat for you.

  4. Hi Dees, my library finally got 29 Gifts and I picked it up yesterday. No time to read until this weekend but just wanted to let you know that I got it! Hope you are having a good day. xo Susan


Thank you for reading my blog and joining me on my voyage into life with and without beads. I hope it brings you new thoughts and inspiration.
Love to see you back!


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